06.30 (Thursday) waking up. I had to get up a bit earlier than normally because we would be heading to Turku in a couple of hours. I was feeling quite tired but I was also excited so as soon as I got up from my bed I was ready to face the day (by sticking out my tongue).
06.45 breakfast time. I can't do anything before I have eaten breakfast. I drink a cup of coffee with milk (or more like milk with coffee...) and rye bread. Love it! Today I also ate blueberries with some sugar. And no, I didn't put that much sugar on top. Some of the white is ice because the blueberries were straight from the freezer.
07.10 putting some make-up on. I tried to create a fresh and glowing look and I think I did pretty well. However, it was slightly difficult to put make-up on because it was still completely dark outside. I had to put on two extra-bright lamps to get a light that resembled at least somehow natural light.
08.40 all dressed up and ready to go. We were originally planning on leaving at eight o'clock but we had to postpone the departure time. It had been minus degrees during the night so the roads were slippery. We had to wait for the temperature to raise a bit. Ad when I say we I mean me, my dad and my little sister.
09.05 finally some sun. Just look how pretty the landscape looks! The sun started shining after we had been driving a while and there was frost everywhere. Obviously, the landscape doesn't look quite the same through a car window but I hope you can get at least a little glimpse of the scenery.
09.35 fueling up. In the half way we stopped to have a little break and to grab a cup of coffee. We also got some snacks. I was so excited because I thought they had started to reproduce a raspberry liquorice bar that I absolutely love. But this one was just a disappointment! It didn't taste anything like the good candy bar and it had a spicy taste to it. Blah.
11.00 visiting grandma. When we arrived to Turku we drove straight up to my grandma. She is 94 and still lives in a one family house by herself. And look who I found in the living room; a foto of my little self.
12.25 shopping, shopping, shopping. Dad took us to the center to do some shopping while he went golfing. First we headed to buy some make-up (once again). I bought two new brushes, a sun pwder and a kit to dye my eye lashes at home. I got 5% off of every product so I saved a nice amount of money. Next we went to a mall and met up with our cousin there. We went through shops and finally I found a jumper and faux leather leggings. I had received a gift card as a Christmas present from my cousin and now I got to use it to buy those clothes. Happy girl!
15.15 heading to my aunt's. After shopping we went to meet up with my aunt to her work. Then we drove to their house where we would be sleeping, too. We spend Christmas at their house every year but I love to visit them whenever it's possible.
16.50 FOOD! I hadn't eaten almost anything all day so it was lovely to get some hot soup. My aunt is the best cook ever!
17.20 operation gristle piercing. I bought a ring gristle piercing because I wanted to try something new. But any of us just simply could't get it open. We tried this and that but nothing worked. We asked my other cousin who is specialized in piercings and tattoos but she wouldn't answer right away. After an hour trying to open the jewel I googled instructions and found a tutorial video on YouTube, heh. Finally, we got it open and to my ear. All there was left to do was to close it again. It didn't take quite as long as opening it but it wasn't easy either. In the end, my sister managed to close it. Yay!
19.30 dinner at a restaurant. Later in the evening we took my aunt and cousin out for a dinner because they had helped us with my graduation party. We chose to go eat to a restaurant called Blanco in the city center.
20.00 more food. Our orders arrived quickly even though the restaurant was pretty full. I ordered a minute steak with fried potatoes, salad and savoury butter and so did my sister (except her's was with out the butter because she can't eat dairy products). My dad ordered bbq beef burger, my aunt thai beef thali and my cousin falafel burger (vegan). Everything looked so good! The portion size was perfect and the dishes were delicious.In my opinion, the prices were on the more expensive side but I guess they were actually somewhere in between. If you are ever visiting Turku I warmly recommend you to try this restaurant.
21.00 nightly scenery. After we were done eating I wanted to take a few pictures because the city looked so pretty with all the lights. Unforunately, it was really cold and I was shivering so it was very hard (or impossible) to take a sharp picture:D Let's say that the second picture is just more on the artistic side...
23.10 getting ready for bed. My uncle came home from work around ten pm so I wanted to catch up with him, too, before going to bed even if I was already super tired. But no matter how tired I am I never skip my skin care routine. So I washed and moisturized my face and brushed my teeth before going to bed.
23.30 good night! i had a wonderful day in Turku with my relatives. In the morning we would head back home. But now it was time for my beauty sleep.
with love
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