Monday, October 3, 2016


 Last Saturday I visited IKEA with my bestfriend. Going to IKEA is something we do regularly (IKEA over bars any day) because we absolutely love walking around there. You just get so inspired seeing all the model rooms! Furthermore, I find IKEA's products super smartly designed and nice looking and on top of that they are very affordable! This time I actually needed some stuff and now I'm going to show you what I got.

 I've been wanting to frame some pictures for a really long time and now I finally bought some frames. I only have to framed pictures at the moment but I bought some extra frames in advance. As soon as I've got time I'm going to go and have some pictures done of my family etc. I really don't have room for pictures in my room but I would like to take them with me when I move out.

 I will tell you more about these products more in an upcoming post...

 Some pretty storage boxes to keep my off-season clothes in order. You can attach a piece of paåer to the fron of the box with a text on it so you don't always have to start opening the boxes to see what's inside them.

I had this lamp in my room in my Stockholm-home and I thought it was really pretty. One day I was browsing through IKEA's homepage and I ran into this lamp. It was on sale for 14,99€! I've had my dad's old night stand lamp since I moved to room so it was definitely time to get a new, more feminine lamp.

My bestfriend and her new bonsai.

 I was just so excited to carry that huge (and heavy) IKEA-bag.

List completed! A successful haul to say the least.

with love

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