Monday, October 10, 2016

A trip to Tallinn

Happy Monday people!

I had an awesome weekend in Tallinn! We have a tradition of travelling to Tallinn International Horse Show with my riding club every year in October. I love these Tallinn-weekends because of the good company, delicious food and the whole Horse Show event. We have a similar event here in Finland, too, but in Tallinn the all-day ticket (from 8.30 to 22.30) costs little less than 30 euros whereas in Helsinki the similar ticket costs well over 100 euros...

We spent all Saturday at the Saku-hall where the Show took place. We also did some shopping at the adjoining shopping center. We went shopping on Sunday morning, too. This year wasn't at all successful for me shopping wise; I only bought a pair of black jeans (in the picture). I needed them but it would've been nice to buy a bit more since I had money and everything. But sometimes it just is like that. Anyway, I had a great time and hopefully I get to go again next year.

with love

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