Thursday, October 13, 2016

Makeover: make-up table

Decorating a make-up table into one's room is the first thing girls do when they get their first make-up products. I've never spent a lot of time in my room; I like hanging in the living room so that I don't feel so isolated. But a couple of weeks ago I started thinking that maybe it would be fun to have a "proper" make-up table. And not just for fun but it would also be the smartest solution. The cabinets in our upstairs toilet were full of my make-up products and because I prefer natural light I had to drag everything to the office room or living room or to the kitchen every morning. That way I never knew where my make-up was because it was all over... So, when I came back from Sweden I headed to IKEA  (as you know) and bought some items to create a nice place to put my make-up on. And now my expensive office table doesn't just stand in my room unused!

Here you can see the end result. The visible change is not very big but I've been very happy with the outcome.

Now I can get  hold of all of my (dirty) brushes easily and I don't have to waste five minutes trying to find the right brush in my make-up bag.

This storage box is the item that I'm most excited about. It's just genius! As with the brushes I now can find the product I want to use quickly and that definitely makes the whole process easier. It also has space underneath the inclined shelf (pic no. 2) so that I can store the products I don't use often there. I've also separated the skin/lip products and eye products into different boxes (pic no. 5). My favorite part of this storage box is the section for lipsticks and nail polishes. It just looks so cute:D The best part of this is that everything is organised and it's easy to put everything back when I'm finished so it's simple to keep my room nice and clean.

Let me know your thoughts on this mini-makeover and share your own, too! I've been very happy with this and it's actually not that horrible to spend time alone in my room for 30 minutes every day;).

with love

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