Thursday, May 9, 2013


I got this blog challenge from a blog named End of eternity. Since I don't have any outfit pics at the moment I decided to do this challenge now. The pics are just some old pics from my files.

Here comes the rules:

1. everyone who has been challenged must tell 11 things about themselves
2. you must answer the 11 questions of the person who has challenged you
3. you must think up 11 questions to the people you are going to challenge
4. then you choose 11 bloggers who has less than 200 followers and you challenge them
5. tell the people you have challenged that you challenged them

11 things about me:
1. I love fashion
2. My middle name is Alexandra
3. I have a little sister
4. I am really excited at the moment
5. I always wear jeans
6. I collect ELLE magazines
7. My name is actually pronounced with two a's
8. I love bright colors
9. I will start upper secondary school next fall
10. I want to move to New York city with my best friend some day
11. I've lived in the same city all my life
11 questions of the challenger:

1. Your favourite blog? -At the moment I'd say Kayture
2. Your camera? -Nikon D40
3. Best thing about your blog? -Updating it (even though that's not a proper answer to this question)
4. Most dreadful style fiasco? -This one is difficult...Maybe when I tried to cut my bangs a bit shorter once and it just started to getting shorter and shorter. In the end it wasn't straight anymore and I literally had angles in my hair. It was horrible but luckily hair always grows back with time.
5. Your favourite accessories? -Maybe the statement necklace
6. Where would you like to travel next? -I have to say Copenhagen because I am travelling there tomorrow!!! And my next post will be all about Copenhagen;).
7. Are you wearing socks at the moment? -Yes I am
8. Do you often polish your nails? -Not very often because I have a really bad habit to bite my nails...
9. Your height? -I am 169 cm (about 5"5) long
10. How do you handle your hair in the morning? -Usually I straight it or sometimes I make some curls to my hair. It depends on the day.
11. Were these questions boring? -No, not at all:)

11 questions from me:
1. What's your favourite season of the year?
2. The one thing you could not live without?
3. What's your favourite color?
4. What would be your dream profession?
5. What kind of things you appreciate in friendship?
6. Are you more a city or a countryside type of person?
7. What's your favourite day of the week?
8. Do you travel a lot?
9. Do you have syblings?
10. Are you following the world championships of ice hockey?
11. Are you happy with your life at the moment?

I challenge:
(Sorry guys, I didn't come up with more bloggers but anyone who wants to do this challenge feel free!)

And still advertising...Don't forget to send your question HERE to my upcoming question post!

with love

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