Wednesday, February 6, 2013

It was a fun B-day!

 blouse - H&M
leather jacket - Bruno Z
jeans - JC
sneakers - Converse
ring- Kalevala
earrings - vintage


As you can probably tell it was my birthday today. I can't believe I'm already 16! I am sooo happy that my gift from Meine Namenskette arrived in time. I can't wait to wear the necklace!:) It was really positive surprise to wake up in he morning and see that I did got my gift on my birthday morning (it could have take even 10 days so I was prepared for it to come after my birthday). Otherwise I has a normal day: school, flute lesson and studying to German test. In the morning I got carrot cake and Pommac, though;). My birthday party is on Saturday as I've already mentioned so birthday theme keeps going on!
with love

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