Saturday, January 26, 2013

Royal blue & gold

sweater - Esprit
blouse - Only
jeans - KappAhl
ankle boots - Marco Tozzi
medallion - vintage

 I haven't been really able to take pictures this week because the weather has been pretty lame. Although there were few really pretty days but whenever the sun was shining I was at school...But luckily I still had the pictures of this outfit. I wore it already a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, I love the combination of royal blue and gold. They are just perfect match to each other! I've been using the medallion quite a lot lately. It's actually my mom's (she got the medallion 30 years ago!) It's always nice to open the medallion e.g. during school days and see the picture of my dad as a young man in there ( I do see him everyday at home just older and less slim).
Well I go now because I still need to read over 40 pages of Kalevala (Finland's national epic) for school... Have a nice weekend everyone!:)

with love

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