Sunday, November 25, 2012

Golden nails

I took these nails today. My friend made them for me (thanks!). It took only a little over an hour and the price wasn't bad: only 10€! I'm very happy with these. And the color is lovely! Totally bling-bling;) I chose gold because I have lots of clothes with golden details at the moment.

A suitcase? Yes. I've been packing the whole day (and I'm not quite ready yet...) because I am going to spend the next five days in.....GERMANY!:) I'm sooo excited but also REALLY nervous:/ I'm leaving tonight at 2.30 A.M., so it's going to be an early wake-up for me. First we head off to Berlin and then to Chemnitz where we will spend the week. I try to update my blog from there, if in any way possible!

with love

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