Monday, June 17, 2013

Watch out London, here I come!

 top - Mango
pants - Lindex
bag - Mango
sneakers - Converse
necklace - Meine Namenskette

As the title says I'm heading off to London tomorrow morning. I'm so so excited! I go to a language course so it will be both work and fun for me I guess;). The outfit I'm wearing in the pics will be my travelling outfit. I know the top is quite fancy for travelling but hey, I want to make a good first impression on my course mates. I don't know yet what kind of possibilities I have to post from London so I apologize in advance for possible 3-week break in posting...But I will try my best anyway!

I'll do the question post after my trip so if you still want to ask something from me, just leave your question to the comments:).

See you soon lovelies!

with love

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bag to die for

I bought this lovely bag today. I immediately liked it when I saw it but I wasn't sure weather to buy it or not. Eventually I returned to buy the bag. Even the shop assistant remembered me and asked was it the bag I was yearning for:D. The most amazing thing in this bag was the price: originally it cost about 120€ but I got it for 50€ and it's real leather! How awesome is that?! Can't wait to use the bag:).

with love

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Turn old to something new

I've had these jeans shorts for ages and this spring I took them out of my wardrobe thinking "hey these shorts are actually really cool, why haven't I worn them more often?" When I saw this DIY-project I wanted to create my own version of studded jeans shorts. Here is my tutorial for you about how to make your old shorts look like a totally new piece of clothing.
Here's what you need:
Rip off the outer corner of the back pocket. When you fold the lose part of the pocket it should form a triangle. Attache the corner with a stud to the other side of the pocket. If the fabric is too thick for the stud to go through you can simply sew the corner and add the stud as an ornament (as I did). After this add the studs to the triangle area at the outer corner of the pocket.
If you have leftover studs or you just prefer to locate them somewhere else than the back of the shorts feel free to use your creativity with the studs. Only your imagination is the limit!

 Finalize your work by cutting of the extra threads and sewing the places that aren't looking tidy or the places that might get caught to something.
Last polish the studs with a soft cloth if there are finger prints left.
And here's the result:

Don't hesitate to let me know your thoughts about this post!

with love